get paid to paste

CS: Source - Autoexec File

[tpsize=1]Updated 27/09/2010[/tpsize]

[tpsize=4][tpb]Launch Options[/tpb][/tpsize]

[tpi]-threads 4 (for quadcore, 2 for dual)
+cl_cloud_settings "0"[/tpi]


MarkC's Mousefix (Windows 7)


////    ___________________________________________
///___.(' Samsung 2233RZ - 16/10 - 120hz - 960x600').___

////                     ____________
///____________________.(' Settings ').____________________


    rate                                      "100000"
    cl_cmdrate                                "66"
    cl_updaterate                             "66"
    cl_interp                                 "0"
    cl_interpolate                            "1"
    cl_interp_ratio                           "1"
    cl_lagcomp_errorcheck                     "0"
    cl_lagcompensation                        "1"
    cl_predictweapons                         "1"
    cl_smooth                                 "0"
    cl_smoothtime                             "0.01"


    cl_dynamiccrosshair                       "0"
    cl_ragdoll_physics_enable                 "0"
    cl_ragdoll_collide                        "0"
    cl_phys_props_max                         "0"
    cl_phys_props_enable                      "0" 
    cl_ejectbrass                             "0"
    props_break_max_pieces                    "0"
    func_break_max_pieces                     "0"
    props_break_max_pieces_perframe           "0"


    cl_forcepreload                           "1"
    cl_c4dynamiclight                         "1"
    cl_detail_avoid_force                     "0"
    cl_detail_avoid_radius                    "0"
    cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed             "0"
    cl_detail_max_sway                        "0"
    mat_picmip                                "0"          //Texture Detail
    mat_reducefillrate                        "0"          //Shader Detail
    mat_forceaniso                            "16"         //Aniso Filtering
    mat_vsync                                 "0"          //Vsync
    mat_antialias                             "0"          //Anti-Aliasing
    mat_motion_blur_enable                    "0"          //Motion Blur
    mat_colorcorrection                       "0"
    mat_hdr_level                             "0"
    mat_bloom                                 "0"          //Bloom
    mat_aaquality                             "0"
    mat_bumpmap                               "0"
    mat_parallaxmap                           "0"
    mat_specular                              "0"
    mat_disable_bloom                         "1"
    mat_wateroverlaysize                      "8"
    mat_debug_postprocessing_effects          "0"
    mat_debugdepthmode                        "0"
    mat_debugdepthval                         "128"
    mat_debugdepthvalmax                      "256"
    mat_forcehardwaresync                     "0" 
    r_rootlod                                 "2"          //Model Detail
    r_waterforceexpensive                     "0"          //Water Detail
    r_waterforcereflectentities               "0"
    r_shadowrendertotexture                   "1"          //Shadow Detail
    r_decals                                  "10"
    r_drawdetailprops                         "0"
    r_drawflecks                              "0"
    r_shadows                                 "1"
    r_shadowmaxrendered                       "2"
    r_dynamic                                 "0"
    r_3dsky                                   "0"
    r_propsmaxdist                            "0"
    r_worldlights                             "1"
    r_renderoverlayfragment                   "0"
    r_decal_cullsize                          "0"
    r_occlusion                               "0"
    gl_clear                                  "0"
    r_eyes                                    "0"
    r_teeth                                   "0"
    r_maxdlights                              "32"
    r_maxnewsamples                           "0"
    r_maxsampledist                           "0"
    r_norefresh                               "0"
    r_minnewsamples                           "0"


    rope_smooth_maxalphawidth                 "0"
    rope_smooth_maxalpha                      "0"
    rope_smooth_enlarge                       "0"
    rope_wind_dist                            "0.01"
    rope_subdiv                               "0"
    rope_smooth_minwidth                      "0"
    rope_smooth_minalpha                      "0"
    rope_averagelight                         "0"
    rope_smooth                               "0"
    rope_shake                                "0"
    rope_collide                              "0"


    mat_queue_mode                            "2"          //2 to enable, 0 to disable
    cl_threaded_bone_setup                    "0" 
    cl_interp_threadmodeticks                 "0" 
    cl_threaded_client_leaf_system            "0" 
    r_threaded_client_shadow_manager          "1" 
    r_threaded_particles                      "1" 
    r_threaded_renderables                    "1" 
    r_queued_decals                           "0" 
    r_queued_post_processing                  "1" 
    r_queued_ropes                            "1"
    mp_usehwmmodels                           "-1" 
    mp_usehwmvcds                             "-1" 


    cl_downloadfilter                         "nosounds"
    cl_autowepswitch                          "0"
    cl_minmodels                              "1"
    cl_min_ct                                 "4"
    cl_min_t                                  "3"
    cl_crosshairscale                         "1200"
    cl_crosshairalpha                         "999"
    cl_cloud_settings                         "0"
    cl_wpn_sway_interp                        "0"
    weapon_showproficiency                    "1"
    sensitivity                               "1.0"
    net_graph                                 "0"
    fps_max                                   "241"       //Multiple of refreshrate, 120Hz * 2
    jpeg_quality                              "100"
    hud_fastswitch                            "1"
    muzzleflash_light                         "0"
    mp_decals                                 "5"
    setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling            "1"
    voice_enable                              "0"
    volume                                    "0.05"      //Volume, Low for public/tdm


    mat_monitorgamma                          "1.6"
    mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled               "1"
    mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max             "245"      //Lowered value from 255, tones down insane contrast on dust maps

////                 ________________
///________________.(' Demo forward ').______________

    alias "timeon" "demo_timescale 6; alias timetoggler timeoff"
    alias "timeoff" "demo_timescale 1; alias timetoggler timeon"
    alias "timetoggler" "timeon"

////                 _______________
///________________.(' Demo SlowMo ').______________

    alias "slowon" "demo_timescale 0.1; alias slowtoggler slowoff"
    alias "slowoff" "demo_timescale 1; alias slowtoggler slowon"
    alias "slowtoggler" "slowon"

////               ___________________
///______________.(' NetGraph Toggle ')._____________

    alias ngraph3 "net_graph 1; alias ngraph ngraph0"
    alias ngraph0 "net_graph 0; alias ngraph ngraph3"
    alias ngraph "ngraph3"

////                   ____________
///__________________.(' Bindings ').________________

    bind "SHIFT"                              "+speed"
    bind "ESCAPE"                             "cancelselect"
    bind "0"                                  "slot10"
    bind "1"                                  "slot1"
    bind "2"                                  "slot2"
    bind "3"                                  "slot3"
    bind "4"                                  "slot4"
    bind "5"                                  "slot5"
    bind "6"                                  "slot6"
    bind "7"                                  "slot7"
    bind "8"                                  "slot8"
    bind "9"                                  "slot9"
    bind "t"                                  "chooseteam"
    bind "z"                                  "+forward"
    bind "s"                                  "+back"
    bind "q"                                  "+moveleft"
    bind "d"                                  "+moveright"
    bind "CTRL"                               "+duck"
    bind "SPACE"                              "+jump"
    bind "F1"                                 "toggleconsole"
    bind "F4"                                 "timetoggler"
    bind "F3"                                 "slowtoggler"
    bind "F12"                                "jpeg"
    bind "TAB"                                "+showscores"
    bind "\"                                  "messagemode"
    bind "'"                                  "messagemode2"
    bind "ALT"                                "drop"
    bind "f"                                  "+use"
    bind "KP_DEL"                             "buyequip"
    bind "KP_PLUS"                            "buymenu"
    bind "mwheeldown"                         "invnext"
    bind "mwheelup"                           "invprev"
    bind "MOUSE1"                             "+attack"
    bind "MOUSE2"                             "+attack2"
    bind "MOUSE3"                             "+reload"
    bind "x"                                  "zb_teamcash"
    bind "m"                                  "buy m4a1; buy ak47" 
    bind "g"                                  "buy deagle"
    bind "KP_RIGHTARROW"                      "buy vesthelm; buy defuser;"
    bind "KP_PGUP"                            "buy defuser; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade"
    bind "v"                                  "buy mp5"
    bind "p"                                  "buy p90"
    bind "F11"                                "ngraph"

////    ___________________________________________________
///___.(' Steelseries Xai - 1200dpi - 500hz - Windows 6/11').___

echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                       ______                            __                          " 
echo "                      / ____/___  ____________  ______  / /_                         "
echo "                     / /   / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / / / __ \/ __/                         "
echo "                    / /___/ /_/ / /  / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_                           "
echo "                    \____/\____/_/  /_/   \__,_/ .___/\__/                           "
echo "                                              /_/                                    "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                               .:: Loaded ::.                                        "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                                                                                     "
echo "                                                                                     "

Pasted: Aug 5, 2010, 1:07:41 pm
Views: 231