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<p id="title"><span>H4ck3d bY An0nYm0uS M4xN4!3Fz

<p id="title">ANONYMOUS MALAYSIA</span></p>

<center><a href=""><img src="" title="FIND US ON FACEBOOK" border="0" /></a></center>

<center><img src=""width="" height=""></center>

<p>Hello World. 

<p>We are Anonymous. We are Anonymous. We are Anonymous. 

<p>We are you. We are the future. We are your hopes. 

We are your dreams. We are the anti-system. 

We are the resistance. We are the revolution.</p>

<p>There is no type of anonymous, hence the name.

We are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, atheists. 

We are all. We are one. We are divided by none.

<p>This is a message to the masses. 

The masses of slaves suffering under the brutal dictatorship of the satanic banker illuminati.

Your time has come. Rise up. Be free. Do not give in. Do not give up. 

We are with you. We are you. 

The evil powers who wish to destroy humanity and enslave us like an animal farm, 

we say no. We say never. We say freedom!

<p>We are human beings. We wish to be free. We will be free. Let each nation live how they will. Let the people choose their own rulers who are fair, just, and rule by the people. 

<p>We are at a turning point. We are at a great crisis in the world. The illuminati want to start ww3. We must not let that happen. We must stand up now and defeat them once and for all. We have the power to do so. Do not give in. Do not believe the lies any more.

<p>We are anonymous. 

<p>We are you. 

<p>We are legion.

<p>We do not forgive. 

<p>We do not forget. 

<p>Expect us.

			    <center><div id="ip">

                    Your IP Address Is: <label id="174">&#49;</label><label id="115">7</label><label id="227">&#53;</label>&#46;&#49;&#52;&#52;<!--Do not scrape your IP from here, go to for more information on our automation rules.--><label class="106">&#46;</label><span id="115">&#56;</span><span class="63">&#50;</span><label class="88">&#46;</label>&#55;&#50;<div id="noproxy">No Proxy Detected</div><br />




<p id="footer">Contact Me:[] [[email protected]] [+60199782681]</p>

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<p id="footer">Press Ctrl + Alt + F4 to continue</p>

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<span style="color: white;">

<div id="cot_tl_fixed"><marquee>[Malaysian Anonymous][ANONYMOUS INTERNATIONAL][Anonymous Liverpool][A n o N y m O u s DZ][Anonymous (UK)]["The Plan" London's ANONYMOUS][Anonymous (Greater Manchester)][Anonymous Balkan][ALL ANONYMOUS AROUND THE WORLD]</marquee></div></span>




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Pasted: Feb 25, 2012, 1:08:27 am
Views: 12