get paid to paste


<? /* 
(C) NOmeR1 
*/ ?> <title>Sender Anonym Email :: FLoodeR :: SpameR</title> <? // 
error_reporting (0); if(!set_time_limit(0)) { 
$limit = false; } else { 
$limit = true; } 

$log = 'log.txt'; // Log file 

ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); 
set_time_limit(0) = <?if($limit)echo('<font color=Green>On</font>');else 
echo('<font color=Red>Off</font> (Working time is limited with the current settings of the server)');?><br> <? 

$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '2' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') { 

$_POST['to'] = stripslashes($_POST['to']); 
$_POST['msg'] = stripslashes($_POST['msg']); 
$_POST['from'] = stripslashes($_POST['from']); 
$_POST['subject'] = stripslashes($_POST['subject']); 
if($_POST['to'] && $_POST['msg'] && $_POST['from'] && $_POST['tipe']) { 
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
$headers .= "Content-type: text/".$_POST['tipe']."; charset=windows-1251\r\n"; 
$headers .= "From: ".$_POST['from']."\n"; if($_GET['mail'] == '1') { 
mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); } 
elseif($_GET['mail'] == '2') { 
$_POST['to'] = explode("\n",$_POST['to']); foreach($_POST['to'] as $poluchatels) { 
mail($poluchatels, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); } } 
elseif($_GET['mail'] == '3') { if(preg_match('/[0-9]+/',$_POST['kol'])) { for($i=0;$i<$_POST['kol'];$i++) { 
mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); 
sleep(1); } } else { 
echo('Incorrect (or not entered) number of messages'); } } 
$f = fopen($log,'a'); 
fwrite($f,'Message sent &'.$_POST['msg'].'& with subject "'.$_POST['subject'].'" for "'.$_POST['to'].'" from IP - "'.$ip."\"\r\n"); 
echo('<center><b><font color="green">Message succesfully sent</font></b></center>'); } else { ?> <form style="width:350px" method='post'> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') { 
echo("Receiver  <input type='text'name='to'><br>"); } ?> 
Sender <input type='text' name='from'><br> 
Subject  <input type='text' name='subject'><br> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '3') { 
echo("Amount of messages <input type='text' name='kol'><br>"); } ?> <br> 
htm -> <input type='radio' checked='checked' tabindex='1' name='tipe' value='html'> :: <input type='radio' name='tipe' value='plain'><- text<br> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '2') { 
echo("Receivers<br><textarea name='to' rows='10' cols='30'>[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected]</textarea>"); } ?> <br>Message<br> <textarea name='msg' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea><br><br><input type='submit'> </form> <? } } else { ?><br> 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=1'>Send simple message</a><br> 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=2'>Spam</a><br> 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=3'>Flood</a><br> <? } 


Pasted: Apr 13, 2011, 11:07:50 am
Views: 35