get paid to paste

# Getting box sizes , skipped creating a tuple as it is not that necessary
# Assumed I will get a solution smaller than 90 and arranged for loop ranges accordingly

a = int(raw_input('Enter smallest box size: '))
b = int(raw_input('Enter medium box size: '))
c = int(raw_input('Enter largest box size: '))

consecutive = 0
largest = 0
condition = 1

x = c + 1 # Test value, starting with 1 more than largest box size

while condition:
    for i in range (15): # Loop for smallest box
        for j in range (10): # Loop for medium box

            for k in range (5): # Loop for largest box
                test = (i * a) + (j * b) + (k * c)
                if consecutive == a:
                    condition = 0

                if test == x:
                    ## print 'You can buy ' ,x , ' nuggets.'
                    ## print i, j, k
                    i = j = k = 0
                    consecutive += 1
                    x += 1
                    test = 0
                elif i == 14 and j == 9 and k == 4 and test != x:
                    print ' You cannot buy ', x , ' nuggets.'
                    i = j = k = 0
                    consecutive = 0
                    largest = x
                    x += 1
                    test = 0
print 'Largest number you cant buy = ' , largest

Pasted: May 24, 2011, 2:49:25 am
Views: 13