get paid to paste

% This example from:
% Posted by Tony Gravagno, Nebula Research and Development
% common HEADER for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
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atmospheric tracer, 3-dimensional atmospheric transport
and chemistry model, hydroxyl radical, OH, advection,
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atmospheric tracer, 3-dimensional atmospheric transport
and chemistry model, hydroxyl radical, OH, advection,
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Include your title-page here.
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Put your document text here !

Include graphics with

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% Running LaTeX:
% If color=true (see above) this will include the file img.eps from
% the subdirectory img01, if color=false from the subdirectory img01g.
% Running pdfLaTeX:
% If color=true (see above) this will include the file img.pdf from
% the subdirectory img01, if color=false from the subdirectory img01g.

An in-text link to this figure can be created by ...
see Figure~\ref{img01}.

The same works with equations and tables.
% List of Figures:
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% List of Tables:
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% Bibliography:
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Pasted: Jan 28, 2009, 7:13:36 pm
Views: 84