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Simple Class to Connect Salesforce Data from...

  Class to handle connection to salesforce
  You should provide WSDL files from salesforce (see at list of define), 
     and rename it with prefix sand_ (for sandbox) or prod_ (for production)

  Also will need files on require_once, could be found in Salesforce too

define('SOAP_PATH', "soapclient");
define('WSDL_XML_PARTNER', "partner.wsdl.xml");
define('WSDL_XML_ENTERPRISE', "enterprise.wsdl.xml");
define('WSDL_XML_METADATA', "metadata.wsdl.xml");

class SFConnectionClass
  public $connection;
  public $server = 'sand'; // option (sand or prod)
  public $username = '';
  public $password = '';
  public $token = '';
  public $sfSessionID = '';
  public $sfLocation = '';

    // if parameter empty, use default
  public function SFConnectionClass($server = 'sand', $username = '', $password = '', $token = '')
    if ($server != "") $this->server = $server;
    if ($username != "") $this->username = $username;
    if ($password != "") $this->password = $password;
    if ($token != "") $this->token = $token;
    $this->connection = $this->getConnectionSF();

    get database connection to salesforce
  public function getConnectionSF()
    try {

      $username = $this->username;
      $password = $this->password;
      $token    = $this->token;

      $SforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
      //$wsdl_xml = ($isEnterprise) ? WSDL_XML_ENTERPRISE : WSDL_XML_PARTNER;
      $wsdl_xml = SOAP_PATH."/".$this->server."_".WSDL_XML_PARTNER;
      $SforceConnection->login($username, $password.$token);
      $this->connection  = $SforceConnection;
      $this->sfSessionID = $SforceConnection->getSessionID();
      $this->sfLocation  = $SforceConnection->getLocation();
      return $SforceConnection; // soap salesforce
    catch (Exception $e) {
    return null;
    function to get query result in csv format
  public function fetchQueryCSV($strSQL)
    $queryResult = $this->getQueryResultSF($strSQL);
    $strRes = "";
    if (isset($queryResult->records) && count($queryResult->records) > 0)
      // generate header
      $arrHeader = array();
      $strHeader = "";
      foreach($queryResult->records[0]->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
        $arrHeader[$strKey] = $strKey;
        $strHeader .= ($strHeader == "") ? $strKey : ",".$strKey;
      if (isset($queryResult->records[0]->sobjects))
        foreach($queryResult->records[0]->sobjects[0]->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
          $strKey = $queryResult->records[0]->sobjects[0]->type .".".$strKey;
          $arrHeader[$strKey] = $strKey;
          $strHeader .= ($strHeader == "") ? $strKey : ",".$strKey;
      // generate detail
      foreach ($queryResult->records AS $i => $obj)
        $arrTmp = array();
        foreach ($obj->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
          $arrTmp[$strKey] = (string)$objV;
        if (isset($obj->sobjects))
          foreach($obj->sobjects AS $j => $objSO)
            foreach($objSO->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
              $arrTmp[$objSO->type.".".$strKey] = (string)$objV;
        $strDetail = "";
        $x = 0;
        foreach ($arrHeader AS $key)
          $strVal = (isset($arrTmp[$key])) ? $arrTmp[$key] : "";
          if (strstr($strVal, ",")) $strVal = '"'.$strVal.'"';
          $strDetail .= ($x == 0) ? $strVal : ",".$strVal;
        if ($strRes != "") $strRes .= chr(13).chr(10);
        $strRes .= $strDetail;
      $strRes = $strHeader .chr(13).chr(10).$strRes;
    return $strRes;

    function to get query result in array of fields=>value
  public function fetchQueryArray($strSQL)
    $queryResult = $this->getQueryResultSF($strSQL);
    $arrRes = array();
    if (isset($queryResult->records))
      foreach ($queryResult->records AS $i => $obj)
        if (isset($obj->Id)) $arrRes[$i]['ID'] = $obj->Id;
        if (isset($obj->Id)) $arrRes[$i]['OBJECT_NAME'] = $obj->type;
        if (isset($obj->fields))
          foreach($obj->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
            $arrRes[$i][$strKey] = (string)$objV;
        if (isset($obj->sobjects))
          foreach($obj->sobjects AS $j => $objSO)
            $arrRes[$i]['REFERENCES'] = array();
            foreach($objSO->fields AS $strKey => $objV)
              $arrRes[$i]['REFERENCES'][$objSO->type][$strKey] = (string)$objV;
    return $arrRes;

    function to get query result - SOAP
  public function getQueryResultSF($strSQL)
    $response = $this->connection->query($strSQL);
    $queryResult = new QueryResult($response);

    return $queryResult;
  /* function to execute delete data based on result of the query
  public function deleteResultData($strSQL)
    $arrData = $this->fetchQueryArray($strSQL);
    $strCsv = "";
    $strObjectName = "";
    foreach ($arrData AS $i => $records)
      if ($records['OBJECT_NAME'] != "") $strObjectName = $records['OBJECT_NAME'];
      if ($records['ID'] != "") 
        if ($strCsv != "") $strCsv .= chr(13).chr(10);
        $strCsv .= $records['ID'];
    if ($strCsv == "" || $strObjectName == "") return "ERROR: No Data!";
    $strCsv = "Id".chr(13).chr(10).$strCsv;
    return $this->processBulkAPI("delete", $strObjectName, $strCsv);
    function to execute bulkAPI processing data
    input   : process type (insert/update/delete), object name, csv
    output  : result
  public function processBulkAPI($type, $strObject, $strCsv = '')
    if ($strCsv == "") return false;
    try {
      // BulkAPI client
      $myBulkApiConnection = new BulkApiClient($this->sfLocation, $this->sfSessionID);

      // Hand oops Bulk Jobs :P
      $job = new JobInfo();
      $job = $myBulkApiConnection->createJob($job);

      // Result
      $result = $myBulkApiConnection->createBatch($job, $strCsv);
      $tmp = $myBulkApiConnection->updateJobState($job->getId(), "Closed");
      $resultBatch = $myBulkApiConnection->getBatchResults($job->getId(), $result->getId());
      return $resultBatch;
    catch (Exception $e)
      return $e->getMessage();
  // function to parse csv string to array
  public function parseCsv($strCsv)
    $arrResult = array();
    $arrH = array();
    $arr = explode("\n", $strCsv);
    $i = 0;
    foreach($arr AS $j => $str)
      $arrD = explode(",", $str);
      if ($i == 0)
        $arrH = $arrD;
        $arrTmp = array();
        foreach($arrD AS $k=>$tmp)
          $strKey = str_replace("\"", "", $arrH[$k]);
          $arrTmp[$strKey] = str_replace("\"", "", $tmp);
        $arrResult[] = $arrTmp;
    return $arrResult;


Pasted: Sep 27, 2011, 4:50:55 am
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