get paid to paste

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 | \ \_\ \____\\ \____/\ \____/\ \_\ \_\            |
 |  \/_/\/____/ \/___/  \/___/  \/_/\/ /            |
 |       . F e D 0 R . P R E S E N T S .            |
 |           the AWESOMEST hack of the century      |
 |                                                  |
 | Grand Theft Auto IV :: SecuROM bypasser/launcher |
 |                                                  |
 |       dedicated to the small number of fans      |
 |       that have fallen as a result of our        |
 |       friends at Sony_                           |
 |                                                  |
 | $ We are looking for members! requirements?      |
 |   + smoke lots of weed                           |
 |   + get a ps3                                    |
 |   + dont call us we will call you                |

      (Use original GTAIV.exe, GTAIVGDF.dll, etc)
 2. Replace LaunchGTAIV.exe with provided launcher
 3. Run GTA IV from Rockstar Games Social Club (RGSC)

    No activation required. No serial required 
    unless you want to play on L!VE.

                      ~ FeD0R 2008 ~

Pasted: Dec 5, 2008, 4:43:25 am
Views: 510