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 <font face="Tahoma" color="#008000" size="2"><br><br></font>
 <font face="Tahoma" color="#000000" size="4">WAKE UP HUMAN RACE.<BR / >All of us are the brothers and the sisters. We have the power to finish all of the wars and the darkness. If we do not wake up, we will be too late and the darkness will arise...<br /></font><b>
 <font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#008000"><br><br></font><font face="Tahoma" style="font-size: 10pt">
 <script type="text/javascript">    <!--    //    // Countdown Timer    //    //    // configuration    //    var month = '12';            
 // '*' for next month, '0' for this month or 1 through 12 for the month     var day = '7';              
 // Offset for day of month day or + day      var hour = 8;               
 // 0 through 23 for the hours of the day    var tz = -5;                
 // Offset for your timezone in hours from UTC    var lab = 'countdownTimer'; // The id of the page entry where the timezone countdown is to show	    
 // END configuration        function start() {displayTZCountDown(setTZCountDown(month,day,hour,tz),lab);}	    
 // Start function can be changed    window.onload = start;    //    // countdownTimer    
 //    function setTZCountDown(month,day,hour,tz)     {      var toDate = new Date();      if (month == '*') 
 {        toDate.setMonth(toDate.getMonth() + 1);      } 
 else if (month > 0) {         if (month <= toDate.getMonth())toDate.setYear(toDate.getYear() + 1); 
 toDate.setMonth(month-1);      }      if (day.substr(0,1) == '+') {        var day1 = parseInt(day.substr(1)); 
 toDate.setDate(toDate.getDate()+day1);      } else {        toDate.setDate(day);      }      toDate.setHours(hour);      toDate.setMinutes(0-(tz*60));      toDate.setSeconds(0); 
 var fromDate = new Date();      fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() + fromDate.getTimezoneOffset());      var diffDate = new Date(0); 
 diffDate.setMilliseconds(toDate - fromDate);      return Math.floor(diffDate.valueOf()/1000);    }    function displayTZCountDown(countdown,tzcd) {      if (countdown < 0) 
 {        document.getElementById("countdownTimer").innerHTML = "this is not our destiny";       } else 
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 document.getElementById("countdownTimer").innerHTML = days + " day" + (days == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' + ' + hours + 'h : ' + mins + 'm : ' + secs + 's';        
 setTimeout('displayTZCountDown('+(countdown-1)+',\''+tzcd+'\');',999);      }    }    // END countdownTimer  -->  </script>
<div id="countdownTimer">  </div></body></html>

Pasted: Dec 5, 2011, 9:51:47 pm
Views: 10